Minestrone is one of the most famous dishes in Italy. Translated from Italian, “minestrone” means a very thick soup or ragout. Minestrone is so associated with Italy that outside the country, saying “Italian soup” undoubtedly means “minestrone”. The “Aregi” company offers delicious ready-made minestrone comprised of 100% natural. Ingredients Carrot eggplant pepper zucchini green onion cauliflower potato tomato celery rosemary black pepper salt bay leaf Cooking method Pour the contents of the package into boiling water (the amount of water is indicated on the box), add olive oil and boil for 30 minutes.
Հայաստան, Արագածոտնի մարզ, Նոր Եդեսիա գյուղ
Եդեսիայի խճուղի, 7/1 շինություն
(Աշտարակ համայնք)